Shopping Agents Overview

There are many shopping agents out there. These companies do an important job when it comes to ordering from China. They range from mom and pop stores to operations with thousands of employees. They differ in services offered and shopping services they cooperate with and how much everything costs. In this guide we want to […]

The Replica Watch Guide

Alright. You’ve got the clothes, but something just doesn’t feel right. You’re not satisfied with your hoodie and its rectangular box logo – no. You need something more. A Rolex! But wait, where are you going to get eight thousand dollars from? Well, Icheaps’s here with a Guide to enlighten you and show you the glorious thing, called Replica Watches. Do […]

Purchase Guide

This article will tell you how to buy Chinese goods on a purchasing agency website. Please be patient and read it carefully. It will bring you a different shopping experience. In the first step, you click on the product details buy button and it will go to store When you use it for the […]